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Meet Jeremy

Most exhilarating was the realisation - revelation - that what Christ Jesus had preached and ministered to 2000 years ago was real, true and available today! That this was the Truth (not a human'ology').

As the bible says "Ye shall know the Truth and the truth shall set you free".

From there my life turned around completely; my job turned around, I got married and had a lovely family of four children. From not being able to take short bus journey, my career opened up with long haul travel to most continents around the world. I successfully held senior executive positions with multinational chemical companies. Last year I left the business world and to dedicate more of my time to what's closest to my heart: the practice and ministry of Christian Science healing.


I was raised in the Church of England which I loved particularly being a chorister. In my late teens, whilst tavelling, I contracted a serious parisitical illness which necessitated difficult treatment from the London school of Tropical Medicine. Following this I was under further medical care and prescribed a cocktail of medicines for the next 7 or 8 years. Eventually having exhausted all medical help - and feeling up against a brick wall - I asked my father what to do. To my astonishment, he told me: "If medicine can't heal you, Christian Science will!"
So step by step we began attending a Christian Science church. For a while I had a foot in both camps - medical and Christian Science; eventually I turned whole heartedly to  Christian Science and within 3 weeks I was completely free.

More than the physical and mental healing which of course was wonderful, was the spiritual regeneration and revelation that touched me; it seemed like the dusty old bible in my bedroom was on 'fire'. 

Or click on the arrow to the right to listen to a Sentinel Radio interview on 'Curing the Incurable'

Curing the Incurable - An Interview with Jeremy Batchelor and Marion Pierpont
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